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Tenaya established our corporate Facebook and Instagram social media accounts to connect with patients, caregivers, family members, friends and allied stakeholders in the genetic heart condition community. We post news, events, resources, and information that may be of interest. The information provided is not intended as medical advice. Please talk to your healthcare provider for all medical guidance.

We may follow third-party accounts, share information from and link to third party sites; however, this should not be considered as an endorsement of those sites, or the information provided in those sites.

We look forward to your comments, questions, and feedback. We appreciate remarks that are respectful and kind to all members of the community and ask that you do not share your private information.

Tenaya is a public company in the biotechnology industry and, as such, there are rules and regulations that we must follow:

  • We reserve the right to screen comments before making them public.
  • We aim to respond to comments in a timely manner, but we may not be able to respond to all comments, may need to reply by direct message, and may need to delete comments in the following situations:
    • Mentions a product (drug brand name)
    • Violates another’s privacy, copyright, or intellectual property
    • Includes a specific physician or healthcare institution by name
    • Has false or misleading information
    • Discloses non-public information
    • Has inappropriate, abusive or defamatory language, or use profanity
    • Violates social media platform policies or rules.
  • If you are participating in a Tenaya clinical trial, the following also applies:
    • To help ensure that study data are accurate and reliable, please do not discuss information about the study (including details about your participation) in public places while the study is in progress.  Public places include things like social media, message boards, and support groups.
    • It is important that the study participants not make any conclusions about the study results until the study is complete, and all data have been collected and reviewed.  If there are rumors about how many people have side effects, or about whether the study therapy is working or not working, it may affect the study results and the study might have to be repeated.  If you have questions about the study, including any side effects or questions about the study therapy, please talk to your study doctor or another member of your study team.
    • Do not post a side effect or adverse event on our page or in a comment. Please contact your study team or healthcare provider immediately. For questions about processing, email If you do post about a side effect or product complaint, we may need to contact you for further information and remove your comment.

If you choose to engage with us, you agree to accept these terms and grant us permission to use your name, handle, and post or comment content including text, images, or videos, in addition to the policies of the channel(s), including that you must be at least 13 years of age to engage with us on Facebook and Instagram:

Read Tenaya’s privacy policy here.

We reserve the right to modify these guidelines at any time.